I am experiencing super hot summer in my visit to my home town which is in northern part of Maharashtra. Temperatures sour to 44-45 degrees in noon time and you hardly feel like eating the full meal.
This salad is a sure combination to satisfy thrust and filling too.
What's more- it's healthy, quick and no oil!! So try out this and sure share your variations :) also
1 Big size Apple
1 Pear
1 Orange
1 tbsp flaxseed
3-4 mint leaves
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
pinch of salt
pinch of black pepper powder
How to proceed:
- Cut Apple and pear in dice
- Peal orange and separate chunks
- Finely chop mint leaves
- Mix apple, pear, orange, chopped mint leaves, flaxseeds in a bowl
- Add lemon juice, salt, pepper powder and toss the salad
Cool for 5-10 minutes if desired
Yummy, crunchy salad is ready!!!
Very good for Summers.. Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you Anjali for liking. keep visiting..